Hi, I am an actor-writer and want-to-be director-producer. In my daytime job I am also the editor of the Cooperstown Crier in Cooperstown, NY. (Yes, I have a baseball script!) I am also running an indiegogo campaign to raise money for a movie trailer that I hope will get my film made and my careers to liftoff. http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/rebels-without-causes You can also see my imdb here, although for some reason they won't list my season 6 stint as a henchman on "24." https://pro-labs.imdb.com/name/nm3874345 http://24.wikia.com/wiki/Gregory_Klein Finally, I am the author of the pro wrestling biography "The King of New Orleans: How the Junkyard Dog Became Professional Wrestling's First Black Superstar." Yes, I have some wrestling pitches too.