Wow! This idea is like a festival or fair where we get to meet new people, talk to them, interact with them and introduce ourselves! Thanks RB for this weekend.. I am basically a writer, now. Just like most of you might have, I discovered and developed my artistic side in the one-act/drama/short-film competitions. I didn't get to attend a film-school; I am an Electronics & Telecommunication Engineer. I got my first break as an asst.director for TV and then I took up other responsibilities too. I worked as an asst.director, screenwriter, episode writer, show research for reality show, venue director for cine-awards etc. I completed my internship at Eclectic Pictures,LA. Currently I am working as a screenwriter for some of my clients in US. I am also co-producer for a show which is now in the preproduction. I am a script-reader and consultant with a happy client-base in US,UK, Canada and Australia. Well, that's me! You can see my resume on my profile here on stage32. Feel free to add me to your network and keep in touch. If not for the business, we can always be friends and discuss films! :-)
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Thank you, Chaitanya, for contributing!
Thank you Emily. The fact that I forgot to notice is, I am in India and have most of my clients in US or UK. and this has been made possible by stage32.
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Thank you RB. Its said in my mother-tongue : "Give a man food and he will survive for a day, give him money and he will survive for a week, but give his opportunity and he will survive for a life time!" You are one amazing person who has opened the doors of opportunity for a lot of people! Thank you..
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Truly appreciate those kind words, C. Means a great deal to me. I just want to see people stay in the game. We all need support. This community provides it in spades.