Introduce Yourself : *Looks into the harsh glare of the public spotlight, squints, clears his throat, stammers out a few sentences* by Richard Hyde

Richard Hyde

*Looks into the harsh glare of the public spotlight, squints, clears his throat, stammers out a few sentences*

Um, so, hello everyone. I'm a screenwriter (from Australia) so obviously I don't talk to people or get out much blinks Anywho, as the kids these days say, I am currently rewriting a thriller script; working on a web series; and I have a workshop for a short film script next month. The easiest way to get a sense of who I am as a writer is to check out my blog at or if you are enamoured of Zuckerberg's empire: Or, you know, stop by here and say hello. Especially if you bring cake. That would be nice. Or maybe a muffin? I'll leave that up to you. Except don't make it a croissant. I'm not really a fan. There, I said it.

Richard "RB" Botto

We have a ton of writers from Down Under on this site, Richard. You're in great company. Congrats on all your success!

Richard Hyde

Thank you, Emily and Richard!

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