Introduce Yourself : London based - looking for creative allies by Michael Achtman

Michael Achtman

London based - looking for creative allies

Hi Everyone, I'm a writer/director/story editor with a couple feature scripts on the go but especially looking for London based producer(s) to work with on two short film projects. Would love to hook up / chat further. Also happy to network with other writers, directors etc. to share creative strategies.

Jeff Norman

Yo, Michael! So great to have you here on Stage 32! I'm in and out of London all the time and would love to network with you. PM me some info on your short film endeavors? Very curious to hear word, and also to share it with my London film+theater family! Have a great day --Jeff

Michael Achtman

Thanks Jeff, what a great welcome! Will PM you some details.

Brett Berg

Meg's Song - A psychological thriller, starring Stella Keitel - 6 Awards Long Island International Film Fest Expo - Jury Prize, 3 Actor Awards -Stella Keitel Won Best Supporting Actress in her first film. Harvey & Lorraine were proud. Cinematography & Score too. this is part 1 of 3 all on youtube. I am currently looking for a new exciting project to Direct that are ready to be Produced and Developed. drop me a line - all the Best Brett Berg

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