Introduce Yourself : Where is the button to push to introduce myself? by Radu Vlad

Where is the button to push to introduce myself?

I followed the highlighted link to 'Introduce yourself' only to get to a page with other people introducing themself but no link for me to introduce myself. Where is the button or what is the proper procedure? Thanks.

Radu Vlad

Well, it should be more explicit rather than saying 'forum'... thanks

Radu Vlad

Oh... the profile doesn't show here? Ok... I'm a Union actor based in Los Angeles, but I also spend lots of my energy into making indie films. Just got a sci-fi feature up on Amazon Instant Video - The Jet Movie - after a couple of years of rough terrain sorf of speak, got myself and a number of other talented artists in it (yes, self funded, see more on - besides some roles in indies not much going on but look forward to getting up to speed again. A few years back I had a good festival run with a role in 'A Cigar At The Beach' - the film got more than 30 awards worldwide... what else? I got into cooking a bit and I drive a classy VW surfervan that seems to be getting more 'roles' than me. sometimes... and Hello Everyone :)

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