You would call his agent. A quick search on the web and I found that he is represented by Patrick Whitesell of Endeavor Talent Agency. Phone number can be found on their website.
Well Guys I am blown away by your quick responses. I can't thank you all enough for taking the time to reply. If there is anything I can do for any of you in the near or distant future please do not hesitate getting in touch with me. I will check out all these leads and see if they bare any fruit. I will get back to each one of you if I get anywhere. I wish you all the very best in whatever you do. Al
OK everyone, again, thank you, I'm going to level with you all, just so you are all in the loop. I have a script of sorts. Its about the life of an extraordinary human being called J. Krishnamurti. He was found as a young Indian boy on a beach in SE India on the Bay Of Bengal. He was brought up to be a 'world teacher' of a huge organization but when the big day came and he was to give his acceptance speech and assume his role as the 'new messiah' he disbanded the whole organization and literally walked out. Here is a part of the speech he gave all these years ago.
OK this is where it gets very interesting and you can check this out for yourself. In his film 'The Hurricane' Denzel Washington about half way through the film comes out of his prison cell to meet the Canadian friends who took on his case and eventually proved his innocence, well in his hand he is carrying a book which he has been reflecting on. That book is called "The Awakening Of Intelligence" by J. Krishnamurti. OK here is punchline. I need to get the script to Denzel Washington too! If I can get him on board as a co screenwriter/Director then we could have one of the worlds best stories to tell. I was thinking of Matt Damon as the young Krishnamurti and Jeffrey Rush as the older Krishnamurti. Ben Affleck as the younger brother of Krishnamurti who dies quite young. Thank you again to all of you. As far as I am concerned every last one of you is part of this team too. If 'we' can get this project of the ground this story just might save humanity from a lot of future pain and suffering and awaken in us all a shared and common ground where we feel a part of all humanity and work towards a common goal that will free us from the tyranny of the 'conditioned mind'. Alistair Melville
Thank you Richard "RB", the wheels are starting to turn .......this could be a very fast train to truth or it may hit a dead end..........but I for one am going all the way with this until the penny drops ...........
Bruce thank you for your comment but with all due respect now tell me how to explain to my 15 years old daughter what you just said ! She needs hope, love and a world without violence .............please feel free to tell her and all the other young school leavers who are highly stressed out by an education system that has completely lost the plot ......... What is education.......have you ever asked yourself this question........are we being educated to join the army or navy and go of to some war and be needlessly killed ?? Please this is a very deep complex problem that humanity has to face NOW.........its not a joke! Please consider deeply what I am saying here, feel it in your heart, of course there are good films out there, I do not dispute that, great directors, but what is our responsibility first as human beings........?? We are all a part of this mess, we have to clean it up ! Nobody can do it for us and governments have totally failed.........they are only concerned in maintaining the status quo! Truth lies outside all governments and politics. Please think over carefully next time before you express your 'opinions'.........truth lies outside of all order to discover truth first we must let go of all 'our' so called opinions........otherwise we all end up fighting each other..........please consider which is important to you.......your opinion ........or finding out the truth..........take care Bruce........I say these things not to belittle you but to free you from the 'conditioned mind' which is full of opinions.
I have a suggestion. I know Matt's been trying to get back into his bourne identity role, but he hasn't been able to come up with a story worth doing which is why they went with Jeremy Renner's new bourne character, but Matt wants the role back... So come up with an original and great script with Matt's 'bourne' character and maybe just maybe you'll get his attention...
Bruce, Truth cannot be defined in words. The 'center' that asks 'what is truth' can never touch it. Truth being limitless, unconditioned cannot be understood by the conditioned mind.That is why Pontius Pilate decided that Jesus was to dangerous to keep alive. His 'roman' mind could not approach something that was totally beyond his comprehension or understanding. No-one can posses truth, if they do it is no longer truth, it is a lie, it becomes crystallized into a belief, an opinion, which is then imposed on others. Truth does not 'need' to compete with anything or anyone. Either you see it or you don't. A mind that is deeply conditioned as an 'American', a "Scotsman', an "Israeli" cannot SEE truth anymore than a mind that calls itself a 'protestant', a 'Christian', or a "Catholic". All these distinctions only separate and divide us from one another. We are ONE humanity, when one feels that deeply and sees the truth of it for oneself all these distinctions fall away for good and only silence of truth remains. It is out of this very silence that a love that knows no violence may come into being. But you see no-one wants to hear this or face this fundamental fact that we are no-thing. To live as a nobody in this world is the most arduous thing. It means to live without any defenses, to live with a mind and heart that is deeply free and highly sensitive. It is nearly 2014 .........time to stop being "glorified apes" as you so succinctly put it and step up the ladder of evolution and become the one thing that we truly are "Homo Sapiens". Do you know what "Homo Sapiens" means.................................................Wise man !!!!! This is NOT "my" truth...........THIS IS THE TRUTH...........if all of us saw this then this earth would indeed be heaven for all violence would come to an end and by the way love can re-program any DNA !!!!Love is the greatest force in the whole made "you".......try and show at least a little respect towards "your creator" !!
Hello Alistair, Find out who his agent is - and contact her/him. Anyone with a paid membership can find out. And get networking with people (esp. crew, casting directors) that have worked with him. Do your homework on the man. Making sure the role is truly something he'd want to take on. Never give up - since you feel he is "the one". All the best with it. Cynthia
Bruce - what works for you may not work for someone else. The discouragement in trying is the crime, not the act of doing something that has been attempted before.
Set your sights and who knows when you may come across Matt Damon. Impossible is not in my vocabulary... Only challenges as they can be overcome. Think outside the box and you never know what can happen.
Very often I see people with experience trying to help. And they get put down for being discouraging. Of course one can try to contact actors using Twitter. But this is (after all) a business and like any business there are "standards". Understanding how the business (any business) works is not meant to discourage - the advice is meant to help. It is not (in my opinion) discouraging to advise on how the business works. Anyone who wants to think outside the box cannot be discouraged by fully understanding how the box works. I believe fully understanding the box is the way to think about how one can think outside of it. There are legal issues when contacting an actor. It does not hurt a writer with "a script of sorts" to understand the legal issues an actor faces when reading scripts. It is not (again in my opinion) discouraging to point out the harsh realities of the business.
There could be ways to do it legally but outside the box. It's a matter of being creative. I heard a story how someone got Richard Branson's attention and the person thought outside the box legally.
There are indeed, Andrew. we have all heard the stories. They are popular because someone tried something unconventional and it worked. The second and third (and 1,000th) time someone tries it it is not so "out of the box". When people (like me) point out the usual way to contact actors with a script we are not trying to discourage the writer from trying. But we are told that all the time. Some people are comfortable with the "who knows" method. Some truly think outside the box and try something that has never been tried. Some think outside the box and do what others have done. And some work within the "box" to make it happen.
I had a famous actor contact me for a part because he was helping a friend audition for the role. You never know in this industry. I doubt that Matt Damon will contact you off of twitter - but his publicist might?
Some good points there Marc and Deborah, thank you both for your positive input. We now have a working title for the film "HOMO SAPIENS" ( Wise Man)...........the main story of the film will be based round the life of J. Krishnamurti and how he managed to free himself from the "conditioned mind" and come upon a primordial silence which radically transformed his life. This story will en-devour to bring out the vast conditioning that the human mind has now taken on through centuries of ignorance and fear and how that very conditioning is now bringing humanity into vast conflict not only with itself but with the natural world in which he/she lives. It is a call to throw of the shackles of our past and move into a new dimension of living in which the human mind and heart has freed itself completely from all inner conflicts. When the inner house has been put in order only then will there be peace on earth. To make this into a viable film with real characters is indeed an enormous challenge but hey the first step is the last ...........!! And trust me on this ...........nobody is going to put me off making this happen........I have a strange feeling that Matt Damon will be contacting us not the other way around .........Laughter !! When you truly blaze your own trail the light and sparks seem to effect everyone........the greatest hurdle to overcome in this life is the doubt in our own minds .......
mmm, you could say Krishnamurti is like an iceberg. Most people only see the the tip and never take the time to explore the vast depths below the surface of the ocean........such is the mystery and beauty of life.................Wikipedia only scratches the surface............Generally speaking Bio's can be very misleading .........I certainly will check out Timothy Leary's life as a interesting comparison.
I would start with his agent... probably Creative Artists, you can Google it. Also, I would be interested in reading your script regarding a supporting role... you can reach me via: Thanks and good luck! Scott
Marc - Matt Damon was just an entry point, to get the ball rolling so to speak, the important thing is to build a network of people around the 'project' who really resonate with the general picture first. What I have realized and am continually realizing is that the script is not the important factor yet but getting the general idea/concept across of a movie called HOMO SAPIENS - wise man, that is the first thing, second is can a decent story even be put together that would encompass the whole picture of humanity, I don't know. I have realized this is way beyond one individual, I will need to bring in other script writers to cover this vast field so as we get a holistic picture of what we are dealing with here. So that means first networking and building a team of writers, actors, producers, directors, the whole works.......if it has integrity behind it, real depth, then it will gather momentum of its own, if it is just one bloke with his head in the clouds it will die a quick death and rightly so ! So Yes Adrian Brody could be a great possibility. You see the reason I homed in on Matt Damon is because he is on fire regarding his own life, he really wants to see deep changes as we all do. So he might just resonate with this project and the life of Krishnamurti or he might not.......I really have no idea. I know for a fact that Terence Stamp would resonate with this because his life has been deeply effected by Krishnamurti and the few meetings he had with him before K died in 1986. That is also why I was homing in on Denzel Washington, he too, was reading K but I have no idea if it deeply changed his life in any significant way. From what I have seen of some of his latest movies, he is slowly loosing the plot ! Laughter! So building a strong team is vital and this can only happen through good networking and a rock solid foundation. If those are set in place the rest will follow quite naturally. The funding will come but at this stage - excuse the pun - the script is vital. That's why I need to stand back from the whole thing, take a long hard look at the story so far and maybe call in script writers that can help me build a much better story line that will then fire up the right actors to come forward and be part of the project. Hope that all makes sense !
I don't know, Alistair, I'm trying to contact Tom Hanks. Tell you what, if I run into Matt, I'll send him your way, and if you run into Tom, please send him my way! :o) Thanks! Lisa
I'll post this one more time for grins and giggles.....Matt's PRODUCTION company is Pearl Street Films. 2401 Main Street Santa Monica, CA 90405!!! Good Luck!
No it wasn't. But the point is, if you are a production company with guaranteed multi-million dollar funding and a proven track record in producing profitable films, Matt Damon might give you the time of day. If you're a random he's never heard of, had no dealings with, and he's not actively looking for scripts to champion right now, you don't stand much of a chance of getting him to even read it. If you're thinking of Project Greenlight, which is the only really relevant angle, that was twelve years ago for the first series and, what... eight years since the last? It doesn't seem to be an ongoing concern... You might well think the script you have is the greatest thing ever, but I'd potentially run it by other eyes before heading for the stars... and then pitching to writing agents, not actors.
Cliff - realistically he asked if any of us knew how to get a script with Matt Damon. Since we don't the rest of the stuff is just conjecture. You never know what will work and what won't. Realistically anyone could get a meeting with a rep, it's just what you have to offer at that meeting.
I think "common sense" should play a part though. The clues are there - a rather naive approach to how things actually happen and an arguably impressive confidence (ie, extremely high opinion of his own work) balanced against a title and vague concept that sounds really pretentious. I'd honestly say that encouraging people to pitch A List movie actors isn't really helpful, and that to be taken seriously in the industry there's better advice one can give. I was trying to give a useful answer that was needed. Unless you can name five critically or commercially successful films that can be verified online to have been developed by a first-time writer pitching an A List star. In which case I'll stand corrected! This might just be a cultural divide of course. One man's "business practice" is another man's "batshit crazy!"
And the idea of various Western actors 'blacking up' to play Indian figures... The Lone Ranger's Tonto and Johnny Depp is one thing, but for a straight drama, do you seriously believe that is likely to happen?
Oh, I'm sure Kingsley came to mind. From over thirty years ago! That just can't happen now in the 21st century... it's not just a matter of being 'PC'... I definitely agree with your last post.
Cliff, name me five people who created the light bulb before Edison. You never know what may work. To close off all possibilities, one May not even try then. The odds of one thing working are infinitesimal - but stranger things have happened. Damon May be eating in a diner and a waitress who was part of this thread may say something. And bam. Odds are against it, sure. Common sense? We are talking about the same industry, right? I'm with you, yes one should have a pedigree and take some protocol when dealing with situations - but when one doesn't - hell, try riding the elevator in his office building.
Regardless of what is said here, be confident in what you are doing. There will be many people in this industry who tell you you can't do something, you just can't let yourself be one of them.
Marc, once again thank you for the encouragement. I feel both you and Bruce have hit the nail on the head here. Adrian Brody is probably a much better bet and when you look at their respective facial profiles it really is uncanny how similar Krishnamurti aged 29 and Adrian Brody look. It really is quite uncanny. So I feel we are probably moving away from Matt Damon towards Adrian simply because he looks far more like him.
Thanks, Marc. lol I have no idea what Alistair is talking about. Things come up in my email, and if I feel like it, I comment on it! I think it's good to reply with some feedback when you can.
I thought the same thing, Lisa. He says this thread is being taken over by you so I look at all your posts. One. I've posted three times in this thread - imagine what he thinks of me....
This is really hilarious now. Even if your film is really, really, really good... it's still a film, not a fundamental change to the way humanity works. I see time and time again people talk about confidence and self-belief, but without pointing out that it can be a mere one step away from intolerable arrogance in one direction and in another, being delusional and unhinged. I think I'm taking this way too seriously! I'll stop now.
Ref- MD's YT vid...I like to see people in influential places stand up for the constitution. It is your duty as a film maker, "Star" if you will to get up on your 'soap-box' and lead. Too many people I see, that 'look the other way'. People like talk show hosts, media companies who go one way or the other, instead of sticking to the Constitution. Remember the only thing for Evil to triumph is for good people to look the other way. Another good one is: "When one loses a right, we all lose a right". I have a couple of cool shorts written and I always have some hidden message almost blatantly hidden in plain view, when I do write. Looking forward to my move to Phoenix and hope to find a good 'niche of actors and crew to put them on screen. As I hope you all watch them and nod your head while doing so.... as I did watching MD's YT vid. I would have to think that MD does not want to sink his career with 'bad moves' conversely it looks as though he does have some form of moral compass.
Find out where one of his favorite restaurants is and pay the hostess $200 to sit you next to his table. then talk really loud about your script idea until he takes notice! that or either meet him at one of those charity events he likes doing!
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You would call his agent. A quick search on the web and I found that he is represented by Patrick Whitesell of Endeavor Talent Agency. Phone number can be found on their website.
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IMDB PRO will be the best bet.
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Well Guys I am blown away by your quick responses. I can't thank you all enough for taking the time to reply. If there is anything I can do for any of you in the near or distant future please do not hesitate getting in touch with me. I will check out all these leads and see if they bare any fruit. I will get back to each one of you if I get anywhere. I wish you all the very best in whatever you do. Al
good luck Al
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Have you guys seen Matt's fairly recent video on youtube regarding civil disobedience ??
Would love to hear your comments on this when you have time !
Damn it ! Why didn't I think of that ! Laughter! And his mansion .........where would that be exactly ? More laughter !
He may respond to you on twitter
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I'll second the idea of getting his manager or agent's contact information through IMDB Pro.
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Look at Pearl Street films, it's his production company.
OK everyone, again, thank you, I'm going to level with you all, just so you are all in the loop. I have a script of sorts. Its about the life of an extraordinary human being called J. Krishnamurti. He was found as a young Indian boy on a beach in SE India on the Bay Of Bengal. He was brought up to be a 'world teacher' of a huge organization but when the big day came and he was to give his acceptance speech and assume his role as the 'new messiah' he disbanded the whole organization and literally walked out. Here is a part of the speech he gave all these years ago.
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OK this is where it gets very interesting and you can check this out for yourself. In his film 'The Hurricane' Denzel Washington about half way through the film comes out of his prison cell to meet the Canadian friends who took on his case and eventually proved his innocence, well in his hand he is carrying a book which he has been reflecting on. That book is called "The Awakening Of Intelligence" by J. Krishnamurti. OK here is punchline. I need to get the script to Denzel Washington too! If I can get him on board as a co screenwriter/Director then we could have one of the worlds best stories to tell. I was thinking of Matt Damon as the young Krishnamurti and Jeffrey Rush as the older Krishnamurti. Ben Affleck as the younger brother of Krishnamurti who dies quite young. Thank you again to all of you. As far as I am concerned every last one of you is part of this team too. If 'we' can get this project of the ground this story just might save humanity from a lot of future pain and suffering and awaken in us all a shared and common ground where we feel a part of all humanity and work towards a common goal that will free us from the tyranny of the 'conditioned mind'. Alistair Melville
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Thank you Richard "RB", the wheels are starting to turn .......this could be a very fast train to truth or it may hit a dead end..........but I for one am going all the way with this until the penny drops ...........
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Bruce thank you for your comment but with all due respect now tell me how to explain to my 15 years old daughter what you just said ! She needs hope, love and a world without violence .............please feel free to tell her and all the other young school leavers who are highly stressed out by an education system that has completely lost the plot ......... What is education.......have you ever asked yourself this question........are we being educated to join the army or navy and go of to some war and be needlessly killed ?? Please this is a very deep complex problem that humanity has to face NOW.........its not a joke! Please consider deeply what I am saying here, feel it in your heart, of course there are good films out there, I do not dispute that, great directors, but what is our responsibility first as human beings........?? We are all a part of this mess, we have to clean it up ! Nobody can do it for us and governments have totally failed.........they are only concerned in maintaining the status quo! Truth lies outside all governments and politics. Please think over carefully next time before you express your 'opinions'.........truth lies outside of all order to discover truth first we must let go of all 'our' so called opinions........otherwise we all end up fighting each other..........please consider which is important to you.......your opinion ........or finding out the truth..........take care Bruce........I say these things not to belittle you but to free you from the 'conditioned mind' which is full of opinions.
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I am with Jacqueline on this one!
I have a suggestion. I know Matt's been trying to get back into his bourne identity role, but he hasn't been able to come up with a story worth doing which is why they went with Jeremy Renner's new bourne character, but Matt wants the role back... So come up with an original and great script with Matt's 'bourne' character and maybe just maybe you'll get his attention...
Bruce - I'm pretty sure he won't respond to twitter either, but realistically - what's the worst that can happen?
Hi Armando. Thank you for your interesting suggestion. I do appreciate it very much.
Alistair, try - its a longshot, but why not.
Bruce, Truth cannot be defined in words. The 'center' that asks 'what is truth' can never touch it. Truth being limitless, unconditioned cannot be understood by the conditioned mind.That is why Pontius Pilate decided that Jesus was to dangerous to keep alive. His 'roman' mind could not approach something that was totally beyond his comprehension or understanding. No-one can posses truth, if they do it is no longer truth, it is a lie, it becomes crystallized into a belief, an opinion, which is then imposed on others. Truth does not 'need' to compete with anything or anyone. Either you see it or you don't. A mind that is deeply conditioned as an 'American', a "Scotsman', an "Israeli" cannot SEE truth anymore than a mind that calls itself a 'protestant', a 'Christian', or a "Catholic". All these distinctions only separate and divide us from one another. We are ONE humanity, when one feels that deeply and sees the truth of it for oneself all these distinctions fall away for good and only silence of truth remains. It is out of this very silence that a love that knows no violence may come into being. But you see no-one wants to hear this or face this fundamental fact that we are no-thing. To live as a nobody in this world is the most arduous thing. It means to live without any defenses, to live with a mind and heart that is deeply free and highly sensitive. It is nearly 2014 .........time to stop being "glorified apes" as you so succinctly put it and step up the ladder of evolution and become the one thing that we truly are "Homo Sapiens". Do you know what "Homo Sapiens" means.................................................Wise man !!!!! This is NOT "my" truth...........THIS IS THE TRUTH...........if all of us saw this then this earth would indeed be heaven for all violence would come to an end and by the way love can re-program any DNA !!!!Love is the greatest force in the whole made "you".......try and show at least a little respect towards "your creator" !!
Hello Alistair, Find out who his agent is - and contact her/him. Anyone with a paid membership can find out. And get networking with people (esp. crew, casting directors) that have worked with him. Do your homework on the man. Making sure the role is truly something he'd want to take on. Never give up - since you feel he is "the one". All the best with it. Cynthia
Contact the SAG-AFTRA office for his agent's info.
Hi Bruce I feel we are on the same page at last ! Take care !
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Bruce - what works for you may not work for someone else. The discouragement in trying is the crime, not the act of doing something that has been attempted before.
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Pearl Street Films. 2401 Main Street Santa Monica, CA 90405
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Well said, Marc.
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Set your sights and who knows when you may come across Matt Damon. Impossible is not in my vocabulary... Only challenges as they can be overcome. Think outside the box and you never know what can happen.
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Very often I see people with experience trying to help. And they get put down for being discouraging. Of course one can try to contact actors using Twitter. But this is (after all) a business and like any business there are "standards". Understanding how the business (any business) works is not meant to discourage - the advice is meant to help. It is not (in my opinion) discouraging to advise on how the business works. Anyone who wants to think outside the box cannot be discouraged by fully understanding how the box works. I believe fully understanding the box is the way to think about how one can think outside of it. There are legal issues when contacting an actor. It does not hurt a writer with "a script of sorts" to understand the legal issues an actor faces when reading scripts. It is not (again in my opinion) discouraging to point out the harsh realities of the business.
There could be ways to do it legally but outside the box. It's a matter of being creative. I heard a story how someone got Richard Branson's attention and the person thought outside the box legally.
There are indeed, Andrew. we have all heard the stories. They are popular because someone tried something unconventional and it worked. The second and third (and 1,000th) time someone tries it it is not so "out of the box". When people (like me) point out the usual way to contact actors with a script we are not trying to discourage the writer from trying. But we are told that all the time. Some people are comfortable with the "who knows" method. Some truly think outside the box and try something that has never been tried. Some think outside the box and do what others have done. And some work within the "box" to make it happen.
I had a famous actor contact me for a part because he was helping a friend audition for the role. You never know in this industry. I doubt that Matt Damon will contact you off of twitter - but his publicist might?
Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done. - Louis D Brandeis
Some good points there Marc and Deborah, thank you both for your positive input. We now have a working title for the film "HOMO SAPIENS" ( Wise Man)...........the main story of the film will be based round the life of J. Krishnamurti and how he managed to free himself from the "conditioned mind" and come upon a primordial silence which radically transformed his life. This story will en-devour to bring out the vast conditioning that the human mind has now taken on through centuries of ignorance and fear and how that very conditioning is now bringing humanity into vast conflict not only with itself but with the natural world in which he/she lives. It is a call to throw of the shackles of our past and move into a new dimension of living in which the human mind and heart has freed itself completely from all inner conflicts. When the inner house has been put in order only then will there be peace on earth. To make this into a viable film with real characters is indeed an enormous challenge but hey the first step is the last ...........!! And trust me on this ...........nobody is going to put me off making this happen........I have a strange feeling that Matt Damon will be contacting us not the other way around .........Laughter !! When you truly blaze your own trail the light and sparks seem to effect everyone........the greatest hurdle to overcome in this life is the doubt in our own minds .......
Jacqueline, great point, I'm learning as I go, give me one more week and I will be up to speed.
And this is what Terence Stamp the great "British" actor had to say when asked about his meetings with Krishnamurti :
mmm, you could say Krishnamurti is like an iceberg. Most people only see the the tip and never take the time to explore the vast depths below the surface of the ocean........such is the mystery and beauty of life.................Wikipedia only scratches the surface............Generally speaking Bio's can be very misleading .........I certainly will check out Timothy Leary's life as a interesting comparison.
I would start with his agent... probably Creative Artists, you can Google it. Also, I would be interested in reading your script regarding a supporting role... you can reach me via: Thanks and good luck! Scott
Yes let us bring in people of color .............maybe we don't need the "pale face" at all .......LOL
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Why Matt Damon? So If I said to you - I have Adrian Brody - you'd say no?
Marc - Matt Damon was just an entry point, to get the ball rolling so to speak, the important thing is to build a network of people around the 'project' who really resonate with the general picture first. What I have realized and am continually realizing is that the script is not the important factor yet but getting the general idea/concept across of a movie called HOMO SAPIENS - wise man, that is the first thing, second is can a decent story even be put together that would encompass the whole picture of humanity, I don't know. I have realized this is way beyond one individual, I will need to bring in other script writers to cover this vast field so as we get a holistic picture of what we are dealing with here. So that means first networking and building a team of writers, actors, producers, directors, the whole works.......if it has integrity behind it, real depth, then it will gather momentum of its own, if it is just one bloke with his head in the clouds it will die a quick death and rightly so ! So Yes Adrian Brody could be a great possibility. You see the reason I homed in on Matt Damon is because he is on fire regarding his own life, he really wants to see deep changes as we all do. So he might just resonate with this project and the life of Krishnamurti or he might not.......I really have no idea. I know for a fact that Terence Stamp would resonate with this because his life has been deeply effected by Krishnamurti and the few meetings he had with him before K died in 1986. That is also why I was homing in on Denzel Washington, he too, was reading K but I have no idea if it deeply changed his life in any significant way. From what I have seen of some of his latest movies, he is slowly loosing the plot ! Laughter! So building a strong team is vital and this can only happen through good networking and a rock solid foundation. If those are set in place the rest will follow quite naturally. The funding will come but at this stage - excuse the pun - the script is vital. That's why I need to stand back from the whole thing, take a long hard look at the story so far and maybe call in script writers that can help me build a much better story line that will then fire up the right actors to come forward and be part of the project. Hope that all makes sense !
I don't know, Alistair, I'm trying to contact Tom Hanks. Tell you what, if I run into Matt, I'll send him your way, and if you run into Tom, please send him my way! :o) Thanks! Lisa
It's possibly worth mentioning, as no one really has yet, that actors don't make films, production companies make films...
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I'll post this one more time for grins and giggles.....Matt's PRODUCTION company is Pearl Street Films. 2401 Main Street Santa Monica, CA 90405!!! Good Luck!
Cliff - that wasn't really the questioned asked though.
No it wasn't. But the point is, if you are a production company with guaranteed multi-million dollar funding and a proven track record in producing profitable films, Matt Damon might give you the time of day. If you're a random he's never heard of, had no dealings with, and he's not actively looking for scripts to champion right now, you don't stand much of a chance of getting him to even read it. If you're thinking of Project Greenlight, which is the only really relevant angle, that was twelve years ago for the first series and, what... eight years since the last? It doesn't seem to be an ongoing concern... You might well think the script you have is the greatest thing ever, but I'd potentially run it by other eyes before heading for the stars... and then pitching to writing agents, not actors.
Cliff - realistically he asked if any of us knew how to get a script with Matt Damon. Since we don't the rest of the stuff is just conjecture. You never know what will work and what won't. Realistically anyone could get a meeting with a rep, it's just what you have to offer at that meeting.
I think "common sense" should play a part though. The clues are there - a rather naive approach to how things actually happen and an arguably impressive confidence (ie, extremely high opinion of his own work) balanced against a title and vague concept that sounds really pretentious. I'd honestly say that encouraging people to pitch A List movie actors isn't really helpful, and that to be taken seriously in the industry there's better advice one can give. I was trying to give a useful answer that was needed. Unless you can name five critically or commercially successful films that can be verified online to have been developed by a first-time writer pitching an A List star. In which case I'll stand corrected! This might just be a cultural divide of course. One man's "business practice" is another man's "batshit crazy!"
And the idea of various Western actors 'blacking up' to play Indian figures... The Lone Ranger's Tonto and Johnny Depp is one thing, but for a straight drama, do you seriously believe that is likely to happen?
Oh, I'm sure Kingsley came to mind. From over thirty years ago! That just can't happen now in the 21st century... it's not just a matter of being 'PC'... I definitely agree with your last post.
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Cliff, name me five people who created the light bulb before Edison. You never know what may work. To close off all possibilities, one May not even try then. The odds of one thing working are infinitesimal - but stranger things have happened. Damon May be eating in a diner and a waitress who was part of this thread may say something. And bam. Odds are against it, sure. Common sense? We are talking about the same industry, right? I'm with you, yes one should have a pedigree and take some protocol when dealing with situations - but when one doesn't - hell, try riding the elevator in his office building.
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Regardless of what is said here, be confident in what you are doing. There will be many people in this industry who tell you you can't do something, you just can't let yourself be one of them.
Marc, once again thank you for the encouragement. I feel both you and Bruce have hit the nail on the head here. Adrian Brody is probably a much better bet and when you look at their respective facial profiles it really is uncanny how similar Krishnamurti aged 29 and Adrian Brody look. It really is quite uncanny. So I feel we are probably moving away from Matt Damon towards Adrian simply because he looks far more like him.
I just see one post from Lisa
Thanks, Marc. lol I have no idea what Alistair is talking about. Things come up in my email, and if I feel like it, I comment on it! I think it's good to reply with some feedback when you can.
Alistair, I think you like to stir things up! :o)
I thought the same thing, Lisa. He says this thread is being taken over by you so I look at all your posts. One. I've posted three times in this thread - imagine what he thinks of me....
This is really hilarious now. Even if your film is really, really, really good... it's still a film, not a fundamental change to the way humanity works. I see time and time again people talk about confidence and self-belief, but without pointing out that it can be a mere one step away from intolerable arrogance in one direction and in another, being delusional and unhinged. I think I'm taking this way too seriously! I'll stop now.
Ref- MD's YT vid...I like to see people in influential places stand up for the constitution. It is your duty as a film maker, "Star" if you will to get up on your 'soap-box' and lead. Too many people I see, that 'look the other way'. People like talk show hosts, media companies who go one way or the other, instead of sticking to the Constitution. Remember the only thing for Evil to triumph is for good people to look the other way. Another good one is: "When one loses a right, we all lose a right". I have a couple of cool shorts written and I always have some hidden message almost blatantly hidden in plain view, when I do write. Looking forward to my move to Phoenix and hope to find a good 'niche of actors and crew to put them on screen. As I hope you all watch them and nod your head while doing so.... as I did watching MD's YT vid. I would have to think that MD does not want to sink his career with 'bad moves' conversely it looks as though he does have some form of moral compass.
Lisa so so sorry my deepest apologies.
;o) (wink)
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Find out where one of his favorite restaurants is and pay the hostess $200 to sit you next to his table. then talk really loud about your script idea until he takes notice! that or either meet him at one of those charity events he likes doing!
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Larry the Cable guy knows a clothier for men in Beverly Hills, CA where Matt buys his duds. Follow Larry on Twitter or Facebook? Nicholas Chase
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Now this is what I call thinking outside the box ! Brilliant ! Thanks guys !
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find his agent on imdbpro
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Contact his agent...and Matt and his Wife just relocated to LA from NYC
Thank you again to everyone for all your wonderful input.
Wait...what? Marc....You have Adrian Brody? Um...can we talk? :)
Seek an agent........ which is just as much of a challenge as it would be to seek getting him your material?