Love ones: It takes a lot to produce a quality motion picture, music video, and ad commercial. We have became individualistic as a people in the pursuit to fame and fortune, this individualistic approach has left many talented people jobless or not effective in turning their dreams into reality! Why not work collective? Why not attach yourself to a model that will give you exposure, put you in position to win? The beauty about film making is that it includes every aspect of the arts and creative application. The power of joining a membership base, chapter building collaborative like AFC is that it allows the artist to still work independently but also interdependently with a collective of artist that will aid them and work with them on their projects. In addition, being a member of AFC instantly gives you access to a film crew and a very large pool of professionally trained artist that will take your project to the next level. As the collaborative grows in size AFC will grow into a force with the ability to complete any artistic project members propose. With that said, Afrocentric Films Collaborative is actively recruiting people with diverse expertise and skills for all sorts of amazing projects from all sorts of creative and professional backgrounds! (The list includes but not limited to: musicians, music bands, music engineers, novelist, playwrights, poets, visual artist, muralist, dance choreographers, dance instructors, cosmetologist, make-up & hair artist, costume designers, animators, illustrators, photographers, web designers, graphic designers, video editors, architects, handyman, fashion designers, models, entrepreneurs, accountants, journalist, bloggers, entertainment lawyers, corporate lawyers, office clerks, public administrators, community activist, scholars, athletes, etc.) GET THE IDEA? This grass root organizing approach is why AFC membership will intersect multiple genres and professions to produce and distribute outstanding projects. For instance, AFC already has the skills to do full-length films, commercials and music videos. Furthermore, AFC is ready to get started on creating merchandise for future films and work with musicians for sound tracks! If you ever wanted to break into the Industry rather through music or film but had a hard time doing it by yourself, join a collaborative of thousands working towards that goal and so much more, it is truly power in numbers! JOIN A.F.C TODAY