Hey, fellow filmmakers! I've just launched a second Kickstarter campaign for my short film, After Death. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jbrandon/after-death-the-festival-run Please consider becoming a backer, it would be more than greatly appreciated. Good luck to you all and your own projects! Thank you, -Jai
Thanks, Alexander.
Hi Jai. Very cool. Would love to have your earlier work on our site to help get the word out ! Best Milt www.firstritesfilms.com
Hi, Milt, thanks for the interest. Wish I could send something your way, but this short is actually my earliest work! Other than this film, I only have screenplays.
Thanks Jay. Good luck with it for this year. lets stay in touch. Best Milt
Wishing you the best of luck with this Jai :)
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Thanks Milt and CJ!