Introduce Yourself : Screenwriter here - about to enter Los Angeles by Ethan Levinskas

Ethan Levinskas

Screenwriter here - about to enter Los Angeles

Hey everyone, I am a screenwriter and I am just about to graduate from Columbia College Chicago with a degree in Cinema Arts + Sciences. I am moving to Los Angeles in January and have written several shorts and features. I am always looking for ways to collaborate and get myself out there as a writer! Happy Holidays to everyone, and best of luck to all of you.

Jaleesa Antionette Bealom

I was so going to apply to Columbia College for my graduate degree! They're still trying to get me to come to the dark side still. Good luck dude!

Richard "RB" Botto

Thanks for posting, Ethan. Best of luck to you, brother.

Ethan Levinskas

Thanks, guys ! :)

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