Introduce Yourself : Greetings and Salutations by Andrew P. Anderson

Andrew P. Anderson

Greetings and Salutations

Hi, I'm Andrew Anderson. My aunt told me about this site and convinced me to sign up. I'm a writer who sold the film rights to one of my comics (One major producer was interested and so was a major network) to make the series. I'm currently working on a few comics projects, and am adapting one of them myself, as well as developing an audio drama series.

HannahFaith Rader

Ooh, if you need any voice actors, give me a shout! I'd love to get my foot in the door doing something like that! =D

Andrew P. Anderson

I probably will. If you want to read the first half of the pilot I can send it your way. I've been toying around with just recording the first half of the pilot and using that to showcase in a kick starter or something like that.

HannahFaith Rader

Sounds cool! I'll send you my email!

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome, Andrew. And all thanks to your aunt for paying it forward. Congrats on the projects!

Andrew P. Anderson

Thanks! I'm actually looking for a manager. If anyone is taking on clients, etc...

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