Composing : Music for TV by Milo Coello

Milo Coello

Music for TV

Composing music for the Discovery Channel and NBC =) Epic Music = Good Times

Richard "RB" Botto

Fantastic. Congrats on the gigs.

Paul Sumares

Great news. Did you find these projects and submit demos, or did they find you (web site, referral, etc.)?

Milo Coello

Thanks Paul. I've been a composer for Vanacore Music for a little while, and write music for lots of shows with them. I contacted them with demos years ago.

Paul Sumares

Interesting. So they serve almost like an agent? -- pitching their clients (composers) for jobs and taking a percentage? (PS: I love your work by the way; very emotional and compelling!)

Milo Coello

Sorry, I just saw that! I've been playing music since I was 5 years old. Long story short, I kept playing, then learned more instruments, then studied at Berklee College of Music, then moved to LA, made connections and now I happily do it for a living =)

Jason Donnelly

That's awesome! Vanacore is huge. I have a handful of songs placed in shows on the Discovery Network and a tune placed on an NBC series called 1600 Penn (which unfortunately was cancelled but I'm still getting royalties). Love my job! My plan is to become the next Vanacore Music here in L.A. My composers and I compose over 100 songs each month in various genres. We currently have well over 1000 songs in our library and it's growing at a rapid pace.

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