Introduce Yourself : The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain by Chad Glass

Chad Glass

The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain

Greetings. I'm an illustrator in LA and draw storyboards. Cheers to new members and pre-existing ones.

Chad Glass

Many thanks, Jim. Call or text: 818-281-9819

Chad Glass

That's a nice thing to say, Emily. Thank you :) I like a variety of things so it is difficult to narrow it down to a favorite. I tend to like science geeky things and cars. And I like action and suspense and horror. I have a Behance site you may enjoy. Click each thumbnail to expand the selection:

Kimite Cancino

Im not too good with drawings, but manage my best for storyboards, so I know how hard it can be. Bet your work is tops.

Chad Glass

Thank you. Click on my "Photos" section and you can see some of my storyboards.

Kimite Cancino

Hi Chad. Your drawings are good. so creative and real. I guess I need to try harder with mine. Hope u gets loads of work. Good luck for 2014 :)

Chad Glass

Kimite, many thanks for your friendly words. I hope the same for you. May I ask, what do you feel is a barrier to doing the kind of drawings that would make you feel better about your work? Perhaps I could listen to your concerns.

Kimite Cancino

Hi Chad. I guess I just need more practice with perfecting the different characters/scenes when doing the story board. Ive self taught myself in most of what I do and know, and am a quick learner. Im glad Im following u, so that I can learn from the best. If u have any tips, please could u share. thanks.

Chad Glass

What about the characters are you not satisfied with? What about the scenes are you feeling are in need of improvement?

Kimite Cancino

to be honest, Im not a very good drawer, so my characters look "funny" but make the point. the scenes are fine when I visualize what Im going to film, and how it should look. I just dont put in as much detail as ur sketches.

Chad Glass

If you would like to draw things more realistically, get a compact mirror and set it on your desk. Then draw features of your own body. Start with your hands. You don't need a mirror for that. But the mirror can be used to draw almost any angle of your body parts because you can move it around, putting it on the floor, etc... Focus on one thing at a time so it is doable. Focus, for example, for about 1 month on only drawing your eyes. You will learn so much about human eyes and how they look you will be astounded. It's a matter of what you value and what your time means to you.

Kimite Cancino

awesome advice. I will def use that. Ive got to do a storyboard for a drama film for later today (its sat already in cape town), and I think the mirror idea will def help. Ill let u know how it went. maybe I can take a picture of my work when its done. gee, its awesome that u helping me. thanks so much. I got to go sleep now, but will be on again when I get back from filming. :)

Chad Glass

Very good. G'nite.

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