Acting : Phillip Seymor Hoffman's Advice for Actors by Ingrid Johnson

Ingrid Johnson

Phillip Seymor Hoffman's Advice for Actors

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Allan Chen

Well said and a great actor.

Nicholas Chase

Too bad he was an addict and none of his friends / family knew about it? I worked in Hollywood for ten years as a Technical Adviser to the directors, producers and actors who had edit control in their contracts. I do understand how people get addicted to drugs. I saw a lot of drug abuse. Actors are nervous, have confidence issues and are told how "wonderful" they are, twenty-four seven 365 days a year. It is a crime that we have lost this talented fellow in the prime of his career. So sad that his need to 'escape' has cost him his life. So sad.... Nicholas Chase - producer / director / writer Nicholas Chase Productions

Victor Stapelberg

Could you summarize on the "how they get addicted"? I have lived through a terribly horrible killer war from age four, I had a mother married five times with all the complication that puts children through. I have lost my biological father four times in life.I have survived abuse in catholic boarding schools till age sixteen, (my book on that chapter is soon finished) and I have raised myself from age sixteen through all the torments of mind and body and still managed to create an international career for myself. Without taking addictive drugs and never drinking alcohol. Where there is a will there is a way. Yes S.H. was a great actor but sadly leaves two children a mother and families scarred for ever. And that is the something that is difficult for many to take their hat off for. RIP

Peter Pedersen

Hello mr. Stapelberg. I cannot begin to understand the ordeal you've been through, but you have my sincere respect. Wish there was more of your kind. However most are not that strong (which I can fully comprehend :{ ).

Victor Stapelberg

Thanks...look out for my book with a title that will have something to do with "Truffles". One of my best friends here is a lady from Copenhagen who had several Art Galleries there and here Jytte Allan maybe the name rings a bell ...She worked with Ingrid Bergman and was well known in the movie circles in her time. A has treasures of stories she lived to tell ...

Peter Pedersen

wait, are you Danish - like yours truely :)? Anyhow, pls. send a link whenever the book is published.

Peter Pedersen

sry - you must be swedish ofc. boggerbrains out...

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