Filmmaking / Directing : Major production opportunity and I need help! by Mike Brown

Mike Brown

Major production opportunity and I need help!

In 2009 and 2011, I've failed twice trying to produce a unique TV show that would give me access to every active and non active professional sports player there is. Now I'm in the position to get a letter of intent from a very well connected sports agent who in turn will provide letters of intent from the players giving me total access to their personal lives. I have a national TV producer willing to help me but I'm still leery about failing again. Is their anyone in the Atlanta area willing to help me please contact me asap at 404-747-8260. My name is Mike but I'm known as Qhiz. I answer to both.

Padma Narayanaswamy

Mike Go ahead and best of luck for your project .

Pam Thomas

Keep moving forward, Mike. Wish I was in Atlanta so I could help you out! Hang in there.

Kimberly Perdue-Sims

Hi Mike, I live in the ATL for over 15 years and know a few people. What exactly are you looking for? Peace. Kim

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