Acting : Setting Professional Boundaries by Marc Isaacs

Marc Isaacs

Setting Professional Boundaries

An Affordable Care Act ad shot in Louisiana apparently shows families whose health care coverage has been canceled. But ABC News reports the people in the ad are actors. This is not intended to be a political discussion about ACA. Instead, I'd like to use it as a springboard for a discussion about what boundaries we set for ourselves when considering roles. As an actor, would you accept a role in a project that purposely misleads people? What other variables in a commercial or PSA project, besides the amount of compensation, would keep you from wanting to be a part of it?

Roland Roy

Im new to all of this but just to add to the discussion I wonder if its really that bad to portray the truth of whats going on? If its not true I would understand but what if said families want some truth out but don't want to be in the ad? I think this is a great question that I would like to see some opinions on myself.

Jean Tuite

That's a good question. That might make me question things also. I have mixed feelings about portraying a secretary in the past on We the People which no longer airs and my character won her case. It was improv/scripted combo and I was very real in it but alot of people don't realize alot of those court shows also use actors. It was a good acting exercise though.

Jean Tuite

As a former news reporter/editor and also have sold advertising as well that raises a whole other level regarding truth in advertising and the media. We have to consider the source and no ones perfect or "gets the word" as they say whoever they are.

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