Does anyone know how to actually edit the bit of your profile listing that reads "Editor, screenwriter, director, and stereographer from Edinburgh, United Kingdom" (or whatever yours says). I'd like to list mine in a specific order and to phrase it the way I like, but cannot find anywhere in my profile settings to do this.
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click your profile > click the giant green button that says edit profile > your background (screen left) > To edit your profile, click the blue Edit links at the bottom of each section you want to edit > edit that section how you want it read.
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Thanks Laurie - however my question was more about how I get my headline skills listed as I want them. Although I listed Director first then Producer, Screenwriter & finally Stereographer my headline listing lists my skills in a completely different order - i.e. "Screenwriter, stereographer, producer, and director "
that's right question Andrew, am also looking for the same solution. let's find together :)