Acting : Alyn on Acting by Alyn Darnay

Alyn Darnay

Alyn on Acting

Being believable in front of the camera in such a way as to enchant the audience into feeling the emotions the story wants to impart is the real job of every actor. It’s not your job to seek out the interior feelings that get you feeling “real” for yourself in front of the camera, but rather to actually be in the moment, in that moment, in such a way as to make the camera and hence the audience truly believe it. It’s that being in the moment where the magic of acting actually takes place.

David W. Nichols

I agree. The hardest thing to do in acting besides opening a door, putting a coat on a coat rack, or getting up or down from sitting is making the audience believe that your lines are actually fresh and being formed in your mind right there and not polished lines.

Alyn Darnay

Alexander...that's why it's always wise to get to know the Cinematographer, if you can check with him on the type shot he's going for, you can gauge your range of motion.

Alyn Darnay

Alexander, it takes two seconds for the DoP to indicate the framing to you from across the room, does not require a long conversation. Make a friend and you indicate to him how wide the shot is and he'll set you right every time. Trust me, it works.

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