Distribution : Go Indie TV : by Gregg Cannizzaro

Gregg Cannizzaro

Go Indie TV :

As CEO of Go Indie TV we understand how frustrating it is to get noticed without having to throw away money at film festivals, press kits and the bottom feeders in this business. My company provides a "non-exclusive" FREE platform to get more eyes and accredited industry professionals to enjoy and take interest in your project. We broadcast in the USA, Canada and UK through our partnership with the ROKU Company and have a popular international online site. In fact we recently expanded our company with Go Indie TV Latino. We are always looking for great Latin indie-filmmakers! Yes we speak Spanish too! LOL Here is the catch guys. You submit and we choose the projects. If you are curious go to www.goindietv.com contact Cami Ciotta our COO here on Stage 32 she's down to earth and one of us, with a solid pedigree. Heck you have to take a chance to have a chance! And stay indie-pendent @24fps! We look forward to screening your submissions. Remember SUBMISSIONS ARE FREE! ACCEPTANCE IS FREE! WE DO NOT ACCEPT MONEY! You need that to make your next film. Distributors contact you directly through the dashboard you create. Oh one other thing, Go Indie TV is composed of Emmy and Emmy nominated Show Producers, award winning film festival peeps and more!! Come join our tribe of over 80 thousand Twitter and Facebook fans. Read the testimonals. We look forward to enjoying your shows. Gregg Cannizzaro

Angie Quidim

I'd like to submit a series called blacklisted. Here is the trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGiy5erqzNY&list=TLQFhG_tGGVHHOgp62EHCGOB...

LB McGill

Why do you want my paypal ID???

Andrew Priestman

How do... "Distributors contact you directly through the dashboard you create." how do they to sell their movie or production...and provide all that a distributor wants? How does production owner know how to do this? Why would a distributor want a film thats not ready for sale in any market from your site due to its incompletion ? Do you know what the difference between a complete package for a film or production is and why it takes years to get distribution currently? Whats the difference between your site and youtube? I hate to sound negative in any way and if I do my apologies.. but shouldn't we all be looking at ways to make the industry better not capitalize on all the people that have put their blood sweat and tears into these productions .. I mean its free for them but you're making money on ads while they are not or they are making very very little.. What's the producers share of all your advertising? Cheers

Gregg Cannizzaro

Hi Andrew, First I would like to say that I certainly did not feel you being negative in your questions. Simply put Go Indie TV has to maintain the cost of staying online and a small staff of dedicated film lovers who search the internet for quality programming. Our goal is to give filmmakers a chance to find a broader audience and hopefully through our non exclusive platform stir up interest with a distributor. We do not take a percentage of that deal either or do we ask for any money if a filmmaker is chosen to be on our platform. I started my career making indie films and was successful having several that I produced, wrote and directed sold. All I ever wanted was to make enough of money to produced another film. That being stated, I must say that I do relate to the blood, sweat and tears. That is why Go Indie TV Network was formed. Not to charge filmmakers for a quality platform as we broadcast in the USA, England and Canada. This service we maintain is not free for us, it is costly. We are not YOUTUBE, where anyone can upload what they choose to in hopes of viral fame. Our filmmakers are selected by the Go Indie TV executive board. We are accomplished Emmy and Emmy nominated executive producers. We are very successful in our professional careers and to be quite frank are certainly not trying to enhance our lives through the gracious support of our advertisers. I hope that this answered a few of your questions and look forward to enjoying your films in the future. All the best! Gregg Cannizzaro CEO Go Indie TV Network

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