Acting : Brisbane Male and Female Actors Required by Michael J Brealey

Michael J Brealey

Brisbane Male and Female Actors Required

I was wondering if you can Audition or be involved in our productions. We are currently looking for dedicated and committed actors to audition Tuesday 4th March at a location in Redcliffe Brisbane from 6:30pm we require male and females of all ages (18+) to be casted in two productions we are mainly looking for actors who can portray dramatic emotions and comedy also ones who can perform with accents. Our theatre also offer training for non experienced. This production will be performing with two casts for April and June. Also it is unpaid with proceeds going towards the smith family a charity that helps children who are disadvantaged and their families. Our theatre production company likes to promote that we are a community orientated organisation helping develop talent around Brisbane and North Side areas. Roles: French waiter (French accent) Age 18 to 30s male Bill: (Uk accent) age 30s to 50s Mark: (American accent) age 18 to 30s Policeman: (Scottish, Irish or English accent) Angel: (Uk accent) age 18 to 40s Female: American accent- age 18 to 40s Please let me know if you would like to be involved or know anyone suitable ask them to send a headshot and Cv. If I could have a answer if You think you could audition and send a Cv and headshot of you please. Kind regards Michael

Richard "RB" Botto

Post in our Job Posting section, Michael. You'll get a better response.

Michael J Brealey

Thank you how do I do that

Richard "RB" Botto

Click Job Postings under Toolbox. Or the Toolbox box on the right side of your home page. And, of course, there's our HELP section located on the top toolbar which outlines all the features and resources Stage 32 has to offer.

Michael J Brealey

Thank you

Richard "RB" Botto

Very welcome.

Michael J Brealey

Please pass this onto any actors you know from brisbane Ask them to email me a headshot and cv. Thanks

Richard "RB" Botto

I created the site, Michael. You do the networking ;)

Michael J Brealey

I'm finding it hard as no one is applying

Kim Huynh

Try using facebook and actor's pages. Starnow is apparently quite good as well. Hope this helps :)

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