Introduce Yourself : Project here, Project there, Project everywhere by Eddie Bankert

Eddie Bankert

Project here, Project there, Project everywhere

First of all I'd like to bring the group up to date on my current projects. After being beaten to the rights of a local true story by writer/producer Kevin Clark, I have spent the last 4 years re-drafting an original screenplay that is different that Mr. Clark's. Along the way I have written 4 other screenplays, 2 which haven't made it to 3rd draft. I am trying to get all 4 complete by December. I've also written 9 treatments and 3 short stories and completing the final editing of a manuscript for a non fiction novel. What I am basically looking to get out of STAGE32 is collaborations. Writing is cathartic but it's also protracted, and it seems as soon as you catch up on one project you're 2 months behind on another. I feel with collaboration I can finish at least three 1st drafts of those stale 'treatments' within 2 months, this way I have more product to present to my associates who happen to be producers and seem to always tell me, "well, what else are you writing?" Anytime I mention I have a great story or I say I was able to punch in under 120 pages with a limited budget- They go, "Well, what else are you writing?" So I want to press ahead on some of these other writing projects and I believe it will take COLLABORATION. Summer of 2014 I do want to start my first TRILOGY, which I believe will be the greatest cinematic story ever told, I know I know the hubris in that statement, but I truly believe it has all the elements to make a life changing movie experience. Collaboration Collaboration. In Fact on the finished screenplay that is 3rd drafts complete I'm ready for the story boarding process to begin, so any STORYBOARD ARTIST out there, get in touch with me, I am independent, if you can work with me on prices, i'd love collaborate. Hope to talk to you all soon. Artist, Writers, even Producers, Let's Talk!

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