Anything Goes : Does anybody need a Freelance Story Board Artist? by Eugene Ramirez Mapondera

Eugene Ramirez Mapondera

Does anybody need a Freelance Story Board Artist?

Does anybody need a storyboard artist these days?? Storyboards Are a specialty of mine and I have managed to make a career of them. I would also like to improve and become more efficient since I'm a freelance artist who works remotely . I would love to hear your thoughts on the type of work I produce for pre-production in film and advertising. . Cheers!

Eugene Ramirez Mapondera
Eugene Ramirez Mapondera
I'm an Illustrator and 3d animator with with a long track record working in pre-production for films, adverts, animations, music videos and educational material.I have worked in print and multimedia I…
Reece Elisabeth
CJ Walley

Great work Eugene :)

Eugene Ramirez Mapondera

Thanks CJ I appreciate it

Al Lougher

I need one, and I like your work, but we're still in the fund raising stage so not sure how much I can pay right now, but check out our project and if you like to get involved we can go from there. -

Eugene Ramirez Mapondera

Hey thats great!! We can work round that hurdle, can I give you some links to my online services ? Feel free to send me a direct message and we can proceed from there.

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