Anything Goes : How to move to LA and work in entertainment. by Mandla Bolekaja

Mandla Bolekaja

How to move to LA and work in entertainment.

For all those who are going to attend Jessica Sitomer's seminar on moving to LA and working in the entertaiment industry it may behoove you to go into the seminar armed with information that may assist your thoughts on such a move. A good look at the numbers and the industry climate would be helpful. I would strongly suggest taking a look at Richard Verrier's article in the LA Times entitled "Oscar night no gala for film, TV workers hit by runaway production," dated March 1, 2014 before attending.

Oscar night no gala for film, TV workers hit by runaway production
Oscar night no gala for film, TV workers hit by runaway production
Many entertainment industry workers in California have been hit hard as productions are lured to other states and countries that offer rich incentives.

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