What are your thoughts on crafting the hook for your story? I have come across two great explanations, both in the form of questions: 1. Why does this story have to happen to this character at this time? (I think I got this from Scott Meyers of Go Into The Story) 2.Who wants what? What happens if he or she doesn't get it? Why now? (I don't remember where I got this) When those questions are answered in a unique, compelling way, you have a hook. Discovering these questions have helped me. I have been applying them to films, and the one's that answer all these are good films, the one's that don't all seem to be missing a major component. What has helped you?
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What is going to grab the audience by the short and curlys?
short and curlys... oh my god that's funny. I like the second hook, I generally use that in the form of, "What do they want and what's standing in their way?" If they want nothing and nothing is in the way then there's no story. Once I have both of those things I can do a lot.
My next article that I just wrote today is on Hook vs. Gimmick. Stay tuned!!
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The hook is like jumping from the plane and will the parachute open?
To me a hook is what draws an audience (or a reader) to a story .... like a fish hook.
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If the Logline makes me want to know what happens, then I'm hooked. That's the same as what I want my script to do.
Yeah that's good! I think long and hard about my logline!