Animation : Challenging Animation Project by Doug Davidson

Doug Davidson

Challenging Animation Project

I have an animation screenplay that won a Nicholl Fellowship a few years ago. Since then, it's been bouncing around the major animation studios. UTA pushed it for a while, as did a number of different producers. The story is somewhat unique and definitely presents a challenge for potential animators. It's called Letter Quest, and it's about the letters inside a children's book. I think at this point, if it's going to get over the top, it needs to be made through whatever indie channels are available for animation and/or it needs to be presented visually, so investors see it can be done. I'd really appreciate any suggestions or ideas. If any animators would be interested in possibly working together to push this story forward, I'd love to hear from you. Thanks! Doug

Laura Tabor-Huerta

If you get some interest make sure you protect the original creative idea. I know it is not foolproof but copywriting the ideas and sending a snail mail letter to your self and not opening it can help some if it ever came down to a court case. Also anyone you seriously discuss it with and give main themes,visuals, concepts to have them sign a confidentiality agreement first.

Doug Davidson

Thanks, Laura.

Laurie Ashbourne

Hey Doug - try reaching out to some animation schools and get some students to experiment with a scene and maybe even character designs. (As Laura said, you want to have some sort of 1 page agreement)

Doug Davidson

Thanks, Laurie!

Alexander Rivera

Give us a call maybe we can help. The number is on our website:

Danny Alegi

I would be happy to read it at

Bruce Robb

This is what I say to everyone I know that are having trouble getting something off the ground - epublish it. And sell the heck out of it (promote it). If it catches traction, and you get a decent number of sales, then someone will take notice.

Pooky Amsterdam

Woah I would love to share a film we did called "The Letter Q" - does this kind of game engine animation also known as Machinima interest you?

Doug Davidson

Thanks much for all the responses so far!

Doug Davidson

Pooky, that was a cool video! Thanks for sharing it! I'm open as to style of animation. The key is that for this story to work, the letters themselves have to feel human and cute. I think they need to be plump, like bubble letters, with skinny arms and friendly faces. As I said in my post, it's a challenge :-)

Pooky Amsterdam

Have a new film you might be interested in >

Danny Alegi

Doug - can you shoot me a short pitch first?

Doug Davidson

Sure, Danny. I followed you on Twitter. If you message me with your email, I'll send you a brief pitch.

Doug Davidson

Just watched your new film, Pooky. Very interesting stuff, highly intelligent!

Pooky Amsterdam


Doug Davidson

Hey, Dan, sounds very cool. My twins happen to be turning 8 tomorrow! Best of luck with your project!

Doug Davidson

Thanks, Dan!

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