Introduce Yourself : New Member -- Writer and Producer by Gini Graham Scott

Gini Graham Scott

New Member -- Writer and Producer

Hi all. I just joined Stage 32. I'm a writer based in San Francisco, and I have several features going into preproduction over the next six months -- Suicide Party: Project 0; Rich and Dead, and Deadly Affair. I've written and produced over 50 short videos in the SF area which are posted on YouTube at changemakersprod. I hope to learn more about this organization and meet many of you.

Tommy Bull

I am new in here as well. Congratulations on the Projects. I have a Feature in development with a title close to yours. Deadly Package. Action / Drama. I am the Lead and will Direct in New Orleans and Batunrudge . . . I am Tommy Bull. Pleasure to meet you all the Best Wishes So happy to see great things happing Tommy

Janell Nacessity Richardson


Reece Elisabeth

Nice to meet you Gini

Tommy Bull

Congrads. And all the Best Wishes with Success Tommy Bull

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