Last Saturday, March 15, the NYC Independent Film Festival held its first Special Screening Event of the year. The documentary “Unforgettable Fire - the story of a U2 tribute band”, directed and produced by Michelle Regina Iacobelli, was screened for the audience that had previously enjoyed a few short films and live piano music. Michelle’s film won the Best Documentary at the 2013 NYC Indie Film Festival. She also won Honorable Mention Awards as Best Director at the same festival. The director is widely recognized for her work in feature films such as “Enchanted” and “The Notebook”, as well as the TV series “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit”. The festival was honored in having the presence of Michelle during the screening. The actress Kathryn Kates and actor and producer Andrew Rogers also attended the event. After the movie session, all the attendees enjoyed a gathering with the director at the lounge. For those who missed the event, the festival organizers just announced the next Special Screening Event that will be held on April, 7th, at the Producers Club. The Romanian feature “Puzzle” will be screened. The movie won the Best Actor, Best Actress and 3 Merit & Distinction Awards for the 2013 NYC Indie Film Festival. It was also the Official Selection at The Tampa Bay Gasparilla Film Festival, Atlantic City Film Festival and the Buffalo Niagara Film Festival. Other attractions and events will be shortly announced. Filmmakers can submit to the New York City Independent Film Festival using the festival website or any of the following websites:,,, and Visit the website to learn more about the festival as well as information about submissions and past years selected films. Join the festival on Twitter @NYCIndieFF, and Facebook at ------------ 5th Annual New York City Independent Film Festival Selection of over 100 independent movies spanning feature, documentary, short, super short, music videos and art videos from October 15th to 19th, 2014 at the Producers Club located at 358 West 44th Street, New York, NY