Introduce Yourself : Following a Dream after so many years by Jim Sanders

Jim Sanders

Following a Dream after so many years

Friends, I have dabbled in voice acting work for over 30 years, but mostly small attempts at making a go of it. I am a trained singer and actor in my 20s, professional ad man till my mid 30s and for the past 24 year have been a professional fundraiser for arts organizations. I have, as part of my job, been the "voice" on our phone system movie hotlines for almost 20 years, have hired myself out to do telephone survey scripts and have a little experience in NY studios recording donuts for the likes of Bahamas Tourist Commission back in the late 80s. On the work side, as the director of development for 4 independent nonprofit art movie houses, I have been able to work with some very talented local film makers in getting their work in front of the public and to use our theaters to help young film makers. I have started to work with some local directors and script doctors who I have served with on several film festival juries in their startup of a new film screenwriters school (Still in the very early development stages). At the young age of 45, I started to dabble in the 5-string banjo, and now after more than 13 years, have the skills of a rank beginner, but am loving the journey. All the while continue to sing and solo in local choirs. My bucket list has always been to supplement my salary with voice work and to ease into retirement out of the 9 to 5 and back into the creative work of an actor. As I age, I want to let go of the fears and doubts that held me back - so I am enrolled in the Beginners Webinar at Edge Studio in April. May the ride begin! And thanks for listening to my story.

Mary Dallas

Wow. It felt like you were telling MY story! The characters are different but, the moral of the story is the same. I too have embarked on a new career at the ripe old age of 49. Becoming an actor has been my life long dream. I'm happy to say that the dream has become a reality. I wish you the best of luck & success!

Jim Sanders

Mary, thanks, and I wish I were 49 again LOL

Mary Dallas

My pleasure! Eh...age only matters to wine & cheese! ;-)

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