Introduce Yourself : Writer by Rachael C Marek

Rachael C Marek


Hello fellow creatives! My name is Rachael and I am working at becoming a professional screenwriter in Los Angeles. I am preparing to work on my first animated series, and from there, the sky's the limit! I started a blog to help other writers with what I learn along the way and to document my progress. I'd love your support or share it with the writers in your life! :) I wish you all the best of luck in your endeavors!

Jeff Osborne

we always need good writers

Heather Hale

Good for you, Rachael! ;-)

Charissa Gilmore Duff

I just read your latest blog entry. I felt similar to you at the ending of Dexter. I stood there mouth open & muttering "that's it?" over and over. We can only hope for a big screen return.

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