Hi, everyone. I am fairly new to Stage 32, but have been writing for a while now. I had a couple of books published years ago, but moved onto scripts about five years ago. I have a variety of scripts in the hands of producers trying to procure funding, but have yet to see one of my scripts make it to the big screen. I have had one of my plays produced and it was pretty exciting. I was very happy to stumble upon this wonderful site.
Hi; friends . Film is very expensive media for me . I am tirelessly trying to make independent films without compromising arts . Which are no budget or micro budget film ; almost free from capitalism . I think ; this type of film is not highly commodity . It's not art for art's sake . It is art for human's sake . I am trying to rise ethics, integrity, individuality, dignity, love, faith, etc more important human values . Which are the basic ingredients of all cultures and religions . I am not Broker of this motherland . I am not storyteller of fascist or capitalist . I am friend of general peoples all over the world .
sounds very fine to me: at the moment I' m starting a resurch group in munich, bavaria, fot gay & les-bi refugees, because most of them are living in the camps with fear of all zhe religious people theire .... and will start a film-project with them, using their own look on our society in www.queerelation.net