Introduce Yourself : Acting, Writing, Music, Research...I love my life!! - Baltimore, MD by Harlan Roberts

Harlan Roberts

Acting, Writing, Music, Research...I love my life!! - Baltimore, MD

Harlan Roberts is my pen name. I served in the military for 20 years, have a BA in Arabic from the U of MD and an MA in Writing from Johns Hopkins. I speak a couple languages, play several musical instruments and am a Level-1 Qi Gong Instructor. I've lived a good portion of my life in other countries and bring that experience to everything I do. For acting, I love playing small character roles because I get to "be" different people in each movie. In the last year I've played a homeless man, a janitor, a police detective, a criminal, a racist hot dog vendor and, finally, 3 different Biblical characters in a stage-reading of a play about Noah. I've co-written two short movies with Joseph Anastasio: LEGS & DESIGNER MISTAKE. He is editing them and will send them to various movie festivals. I just finished a full length script for him recently and he will start shooting it in May here in Maryland. And I just released my first single, I'm Thinkin' It's My Drinkin', and it is available on Amazon, iTunes and other fine MP3 sites. As for research, that's how I pay the bills. It's also how I bring my roles, writing and music to life. I hope we can work together someday.

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