I just got back from a much needed vacation and I realized I missed the introduce yourself invitation. I did not want to lose the opportunity so let me introduce myself. I am a certified fight master with Fight Directors Canada and I am based in Toronto Canada. I feel very fortunate to have had success fight directing and teaching through out the year both at my company, Rapier Wit, at various universities, and for a number of theatre companies. Rapier Wit has a really talented community of actors, instructors, and directors who are doing every conceivable type of media there is. To get a sense of who we are and and what we do please feel from to check out our new website www.rapierwit.com and see the really excellent video our partner at Eye of the Storm Films. You will also find a host of videos showing students performing certification exams for FDC and we will be starting our new blog posting in April. We hope to see you there.