Acting : "Choreographing" Barack Obama's impeachment by Junior Campbell

Junior Campbell

"Choreographing" Barack Obama's impeachment

As a politically "banished", media-blockaded Barbadian citizen journalist and holistic creative (living in relative exile in the UK) I have come to think that much of what is reported as "news" is only so superficially. Much of it is formulaic and stage-managed like a movie. I have come to think that Western politics, in particular, is "choreographed" and contrived, at profound levels. That's okay, and may even be necessary to some extent. But I think there's a real danger of it leading some of us to live in a "virtual reality". I like to think US President Barack Obama is more authentic than the average Western politician. But can he be really? Doesn't his job require a significant degree of role-playing, as he "fronts" often vastly divergent interests? And might it be that the most authentic he can do, at this stage in his presidency, is impeach himself? I make a case for that in the article at the following link. Please share your views. "To impeach or not to impeach: that is the question."

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