I am Alejandro J Valentin and I am an ACTOR! Transitioned over to screen writing and soon film making, I too have a DREAM. As do all of you fellow DREAMERS do. That is why we have all come to this site, Stage 32. A social network for DREAMERS who are passionate about their artistry and a place they can call home. I have been ACTING for a few years now and have been fortunate enough to be casted in great projects. I will be posting up my Actors Reel a little bit later so please check it out. I am currently running a campaign on www.indiegogo.com/projects/photograkill for a short film I wrote and I am looking for HELP and SUPPORT to fund this short film. As fellow ACTORS, ACTRESSES, SCREEN WRITERS, DIRECTORS, FILM MAKERS, PRODUCERS, THE WHOLE PRODUCTION TEAM, I am asking for you to go please check out my campaign for my short film by clicking this link http://igg.me/p/734667/x/6912251 and hearing my pitch for my film. Help bring this project to life and lets unite as a family and help build each other by supporting and creating work for us all! Please LIKE & SHARE and if you are able to donate, it will be greatly appreciated. Donate as little as $1. Thank you all and I look forward to connect with very talented people. #ActorsSupportOtherActors
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Ah, we love the dreamers around here, Alejandro. Great to have you in the community. Thanks for posting and sharing.
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Thank You for creating a home for Actors.
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For ALL film, television, and theater creatives! We're all in this together!