When I took on this project, I knew I was in for some serious hard work, but in the long run... it wasn't the choreography nor the LED sabers nor the staging that ended up being the biggest hurdles... ...it was the LOGISTICS! :) The logistics of getting myself and my "Vader" guy together, since we lived ~2 hours from one another... struggling with being broke but still wanting to make a fantastic, unique, never-before-seen experience. We'll see how it goes, but... would love to see people's thoughts on the teaser alone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5xTVxq0ris There is a lot more of course, including behind-the-scenes photos & videos--some chronicling how portions of the set were constructed or certain props, and even the way I work with my own notation system... in order to "parse" the film choreography into a way that even amateurs in staged combat can understand. In any case... thoughts welcomed, and... hope you enjoy. --Novastar