I have a question for you. I need help getting in contact with anyone that may be involved in development of new of shows for Hulu or any other media broadcaster. I am trying to get out on my own producing TV shows, and would like to talk to someone that might be able to give me an idea of how shows would get picked up. the financials and logistics of things that broadcasters are looking for. I am also looking for direction on where to secure initial funding. If you can help me out in directing me on where to go would be very helpful. I thank you for anything you maybe able to help me.
The news isn't good news, Lonnie. Hulu and other media broadcasters do not look at pilots from unknowns. It's a long road to being a show runner. Look up the show runners of shows on Hulu and the other media broadcasters and research their background. You'll see a pattern in their careers. However, if you want to contact the development execs of any media broadcaster you can do online research, subscribe to Variety, read the media specific websites. You typically secure initial funding by approaching investors with your full package and business plan. Many people try crowd funding. Most fund their first projects themselves using friends and family.