Screenwriting : Screenwriting Competitions by D. Max Hamblin

D. Max Hamblin

Screenwriting Competitions

Has anyone entered any of the screenwriting contests yet?....PAGE, Cynosure, Script Pipeline. If so, have you entered in the past? Any winners?

Virginia Brucker

Hey Max, I just entered several. I entered the Vancouver International Women in Film contest last fall, and placed in the top 6, which encouraged me to try my luck with my script Finding Joy. I worked with a script consultant in Vancouver after that and have just sent out a much stronger version. Here's hoping you are successful!

D. Max Hamblin

I need to get a script consultant...probably a little scared...but probably worth it. Good luck with your script!

Nathan Bustillos

I recently entered my sitcom script into the Scriptapalooza TV competition and I also entered it into the Austin Film Festival competition last year but I didn't get anywhere with that one.

Balraj Kler

From what I remember, winning a screenwriting competition is only the first step to getting produced. I've read so many off hand comments about screenwriters being more legitimate to producers when they win or finish top 5, THEN getting some representation. There are plenty of past winner stories that have people who've been left by the wayside though, nevertheless I've entered Scriptapalooza and uploaded to the Blacklist website, 'll be entering the Script Pipeline too as soon as I get paid

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