Introduce Yourself : Am Leo by Amy Leo

Amy Leo

Am Leo

Hello fellow creative souls. I'm Amy Leo, scriptwriter, actress, artist, voice artist, also creatively active in other related fields, looking to connect and collaborate with like minded souls. I'm a committed person, motivated by originality of vision, bringing with me honesty, sincerity, loyalty, and all other good traits to the table. As concept originator, my mind is in constant receptive mode and I oftentimes work on multiple levels of the creative process. For instance, as script writer, I also write related music, costume/set concepts. In short, I come with a multi layered package, which saves on production costs. I look forward to connecting and building long term business relationships to the benefit of all concerned. Thanking you kindly for your valuable time and consideration. Amy Leo.

Richard "RB" Botto

Your collaborative spirit shines through, Amy! Great to have you here.

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