Introduce Yourself : Hello to all! by Jeri Spinney

Jeri Spinney

Hello to all!

Hello all! My name is Jeri, I am new to Stage 32 and look forward to meeting many and chatting about what works and what doesn't! I enjoy writing screenplays, and have written 10 thus far, however, I have not been able to do anything with them mainly because I don't know where to begin! So any input would be fabulous!!!!

Ivan Alexei Dominguez

Jeri... In my opinion ... You can do many things to begin. One of the good tactics would participate in various international competitions script: Short and feature films. It is a fast and true way of showing your work. You could also sign up as InkTip and once there, you have a site where show your work to producers and others. Or you could create a team: director, cameramen, producers, etc. and make the conversion to script to movie. Or maybe, depending on your economy and contacts, you could begin to do everything yourself. Good luck and greetings

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