Anything Goes : Trying by Cindy Myskiw

Cindy Myskiw


Sometimes it is hard to stay Positive in this line of work (the film industry). But trudge on I do. Have met some wonderful people on here that I hope to actually Work with one day. But when you live in Canada, Manitoba in particular it seems down right impossible to make it. But I know there have been some people who have so I keep praying and working at my craft with the hopes that one day someone will recognize my worth and hire me to do what I do best. I am an open and honest person not only in real life but in my Acting as well. What you see is what you get. So even though it seems hopeless at times, I will persevere and continue to network and take classes whether they be on-line or in person. I will never give up my dream because it took me too long to figure out just what that dream was and how badly I wanted it. Have a great week everyone. Love to you all. Stay Positive. Cheers, Cindy Myskiw


Nice Cindy! Glad you are not giving up! You can do it!!! :)

Cindy Myskiw

Thank you for the encouragement, Annika.

Andrew Sobkovich

Keep trying Cindy. Make yourself better and if nobody is making anything, go make you own pictures to put yourself in. Make the time and do it. Yes some of us left Winnipeg but not everyone. You're there and you care, that counts for a lot.

Heather Pierson

I just saw an excellent movie filmed in New Brunswick! It was excellent, and had mostly Canadian actors. Don't despair.

Anthony B Cook

The people, your crew, will always keep you positive. I look back on 35 years working with crews and no matter how difficult things became for any one of us the project survived and so did each of us -- as long as we stayed in touch. Acting can seem like a solo career at times, as many artists perceive they must be. But use your crew and stay positive Cindy. Most of all enjoy what you do ~ no matter where you are.

Cindy Myskiw

Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement. It reminds me why I like the business so much.

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