What's the best way to use and navigate this site?
There is so much great interaction here and some wonderful topics but it also looks like there is a lot of random posting. Where's the best place to connect here to really learn what people are up to and who they are?
Hey Brenda! Over the last 2 1/2 years Stage 32 has helped thousands of creatives find work, land representation, secure funding, and just make life and career altering connections. Of course, like everything else in life, you out what you put in. Our most successful members have been active, visible, and helpful to others over in the Lounge. We offer a ton of resources and features here. And, of course, we have the GETTING STARTED section under HELP (top menu bar). But, if you want to get a crash course, I hosted a webinar a couple of weeks back where I gave a 20 tutorial on the site and answered member questions for another 90 minutes. You can see it here: http://www.stage32.com/blog/On-Stage-With-RB-%E2%80%93-Now-Available-Fre... Good luck and happy networking.
After a year of lurking I finally posted my loglines. Scary. A friend dared me to put a book up on Amazon, now have three up there. Figured what the heck - let it all hang-out. Take a peek Bud and see if yours aren't better.
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Hey Brenda! Over the last 2 1/2 years Stage 32 has helped thousands of creatives find work, land representation, secure funding, and just make life and career altering connections. Of course, like everything else in life, you out what you put in. Our most successful members have been active, visible, and helpful to others over in the Lounge. We offer a ton of resources and features here. And, of course, we have the GETTING STARTED section under HELP (top menu bar). But, if you want to get a crash course, I hosted a webinar a couple of weeks back where I gave a 20 tutorial on the site and answered member questions for another 90 minutes. You can see it here: http://www.stage32.com/blog/On-Stage-With-RB-%E2%80%93-Now-Available-Fre... Good luck and happy networking.
Thanks for the support, Bud.
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Yep...On your profile under Loglines. Sleep? What's sleep? Sleep when you're dead ;)
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After a year of lurking I finally posted my loglines. Scary. A friend dared me to put a book up on Amazon, now have three up there. Figured what the heck - let it all hang-out. Take a peek Bud and see if yours aren't better.
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good for you Janet.
Good for you, Janet! Gotta get your work out there! Cheers.
Hey Rebekah! Definitely a lot to see. Not sure if you saw my earlier post in this thread, but this webinar I hosted has a 20 minute tutorial on the site. It will help tremendously with the learning curve: http://www.stage32.com/blog/On-Stage-With-RB-%E2%80%93-Now-Available-Fre...
Excellent. Happy to hear it.