Cinematography : Acting class and green screen. by Charles Tentindo

Charles Tentindo

Acting class and green screen.

As an acting coach and a shooter/director I love to push the envelope with technology. This has really helped me deliver some pretty cool demo reels for my actors and never having to leave my studio. Shot in class one night and shot the bus footage without actors on another day. Put them together in post. Here is the finished piece. Enjoy.." Pumpernickel" Would love your comments!

John Hager

HA! That was funny. I was literally laughing out loud at this. Nice bit of dialogue and the actors did a great job. And what a great idea for an acting class! Kudos. I'm not moved to critique anything really, because it's for an acting class. The only thing I can say is that maybe the light could be a little more diffuse to mimic the light inside the buss, but why be that nit picky. It's not a commercial production piece and it serves your function well. I like it. I like that it's b&w. it keeps the focus on the actors and not on the compositing. That's not to say that all your student clips should be done this way. B&W is easier to composite than color and bad compositing can be distracting. This looks good and works great for what it's supposed to do.

Charles Tentindo

Good points! and thanks so much for taking the time. really appreciate that John! Enjoy your Pumpernickel, ok?

Hope Oluwafemi

It's a great piece, i love it.. :)

Chris Browne

Love how you did that, great blend.

John Keedwell

Great piece. well done to all.

Renee Tate

Great job!

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