Anything Goes : Seeking Online Articles For Directing Tips by Joe E. Ironstand

Joe E. Ironstand

Seeking Online Articles For Directing Tips

Hello Stage 32 Members. I was wondering if any of you would be so kind as to recommend online articles in english for tips on independent narrative directing. In particular: Director's Script/Scene Analysis, Directing Actors, Edit List creating, Shot List creating, Storyboarding, Director's Role in Editing, Post-Production Directing, and anything else that I might have missed. Just compiling a useful list of resources for myself. I thank anyone & everyone in advance who contributes. Feel free to send network requests if desired as well, this website has been most useful to me, and it's a pleasure connecting with everyone on here.

Tom Lassu

Dude, Google... there are more than you can read! And only you can judge which ones are good for you. Email me for a 'script guru' summary when you are seriously ready to master the craft of writing (moving away from the tendency to improv, which CAN be good, but is generally limited to certain styles).

David Rountree

I have produced 5 features and directed 4 with 2 more slated for next year. My last 2 films will both see theatrical releases this year. I am a very hands on director and heavily involved in all aspects from the beginning of pre-production all the way through the final delivery of the film. I am happy to answer any questions you may have.

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