Screenwriting : Are movies getting too long? by Andrew Heard

Andrew Heard

Are movies getting too long?

Are they too long?

Michael Lee Burris

Perhaps it has to do primarily with marketing and target audience. Let's say middle America and movie goer's only watch at maximum one or two films a month at theater's. Maybe the "bang for the buck" theory is in place here. Perhaps it is that life in general and all the instant gratification tools that we as people and audience have is what is interpreted as short attention span. Perhaps the longer the experience in a movie house is quite enjoyable because it pulls the audience, people in general away from that short attention span. Perhaps that longer movie experience equals a longer time span of humanness even as just observers or audience. Maybe I should have read the article first perhaps I'm reiterating but as far as the simple question "Are Movies Too Long? and short attention span this is my instinctive opinion.


Some movies are, especially the ones I don't care to What I find weird in some movies I've watched recently, is there seems to be some sort of "ending", well you think there is, then they hook you again and take off in a completely different direction and keep it going, when honestly, it should have ended. I like being entertained as much as anyone but I don't like things dragging on. And I personally like the Hobbit and all if it's movies, but that's just a preference of mine and one exception for me. Haha.

Blake Andrew

Too long, yes!

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