Screenwriting : Marathon writing! by Chaitanya Kulkarni

Chaitanya Kulkarni

Marathon writing!

Guys, This is my first experience of this kind and so I want to share it with you. In the month of June the monsoon hits India. Thus a producer wanted to complete the preprod for his murder mystery in this very month. He came to my office on 30th of April, with is one-line, probable casting, locations and his director. He wanted the screenplay within a week. "The sooner the better", were the words of his director. I took it as a challenge and sat down with my laptop PC. Worked for 30 hours straight without sleep or power-naps; except for two 30 min.breaks to eat something. And... he left my office with complete screenplay, giving me my check! (He was sleeping on my sofa.) This was a wonderful experience for me. Unique and the first of this kind!

Marco Pieper


Chaitanya Kulkarni

thanks Marco

Larenzo Simmons

Amazing congrats!

Chaitanya Kulkarni

Thanks Larenzo and Leon. The producer wasn't hovering. He was just sitting, reading, eating and sleeping. :-) But what I appreciate is, though he was there the whole time he never interrupted. Man of patience!

Dennis R Varni

Hello I've read Sri Caitanya Caritamrta. This man of patience did he know japa? good job

Chaitanya Kulkarni

@Dennis, Wow! You read that... you can visit India anytime and I'll take you to his place and you'll know a lot more about him, japa and many other things. :)

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