Cinematography : Youtuber with DIY Viewfinder idea by Alicia Benjamin

Alicia Benjamin

Youtuber with DIY Viewfinder idea

This Youtuber has discovered the cheapest way to get around the NO Viewfinder camcorders that they have been making over the past few years. In my opinion, this is genius. Here's his post. Check it out: This is my comment to his Youtube post: I gotta tell you....this is genius! I have been searching and searching and searching for a camcorder, 2014 or even a few years back with a viewfinder, and there are none! At least no cheap ones. I will definitely be using your idea, or some semblance of it. This is awesome. Thank you so much!

Royce Allen Dudley

A piece of black foam core does the same thing... and looks a lot less ...silly.... to actors and others.... don't you think ?

Alicia Benjamin

Hi Royce. Thank you for commenting. Yes, indeed! Black foam would be more appealing. :-) I guess you could simply tape a piece at the top of the viewfinder? Or would you need a box shape?

Royce Allen Dudley

AC's make these every day for all size monitors... a box made of art card or foamcore and black gaffer or paper tape. Nothing wrong with the solution you show at all... but if I brought that on set with a paid client, they'd never call me again ;)

Alicia Benjamin

The image of that is funny. Yes, I can see how the appearance of this DIY viewfinder would not be well received. Of course, I am a very beginning film director (I come from the stage) and so to start out with (my first project is an experiemental short documentary), this will actually work for me, unless I can figure out how to make the contraption you're talking about. I think I can actually............

Royce Allen Dudley

Don't use a chamomile tea box- you may fall asleep while filming ;)

Alicia Benjamin

OK. I promise, I won't. I am very susceptible to the effects of chamomile tea. :-)

Simon © Simon

One of those aftermarket places make em with black vinyl and folds down via veclro to hold it into a position and slides over the viewfinder. However the idea behind a viewfinder and a lcd screen as viewfinder. Is the viewfinder show you exactly the whole frame of what is in frame. No light stands in frame in editing to crop, etc. I like a towel over my head think NFL and the Hood for argue calls.

Alicia Benjamin

Thanks for commenting Simon. Yes, I did think of putting a towel over my head, and I will definitely consider that option! Thanks!

Alicia Benjamin

Wow Simon. That's the solution right there isn't it? No telling how long it would have taken me to find that item if you hadn't sent me the link. Many thanks! and happy filmmaking.

Dean Gransar

I should check out my own doo-hicki to see if I can boom boom boom

Alicia Benjamin

What's that mean Dean?

Dean Gransar

this is guy knows what he is talking about, but he uses substitute words for camera accessories (e.g. view finder, shield)

Andrew Sobkovich

Such viewfinder shades are common and often factory accessories on the studio viewfinders of broadcast cameras. As Royce stated, these are common on sets and have been for years. A couple of tricks. Paint the interior black or line it with black construction paper. or black paper tape. This lessens reflection and distraction from light walls focusing attention on the viewfinder. It also lessens the impact of the sun brightening the walls of the viewfinder shade. If you will operate with any space between your face and the open end of the viewfinder shade you will have light leak past your head and reflect off of the viewfinder. To mitigate this, the shade should be at an angle to the screen so that the light that leaks past reflects onto the blacken walls of the viewfinder shade instead of reflecting back at your eyes. In bright sunlight a black cloth draped over your head and the viewfinder helps immensely.

Alicia Benjamin

Dean, That's very clever.

Alicia Benjamin

Andrew, That's a very thorough explanation of the viewfinders. You're the second person to mention using a cloth draped over the head. I will definitely keep that option in mind also. Thanks for the great advice!

John Keedwell

Great stuff, a cost effective solution!

Alicia Benjamin

I thought so too John. It's so simple and you couldn't find a cheaper way to create a viewfinder. I am glad though that some of the other filmmakers have given me additional suggestions.

John Keedwell

Does it have to be that brand of Ginger tea? ; ) In all seriousness this is a tried and tested method of improvising a solution to overcome expense or other obstacles. I think I would disguise the box with gaffa tape , and it would make it nore durable in the long term as well, especially it was in the rain....

Mark Ratering

Like that it's a Chinese box.

Lyn Caudle

I have so done this!

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