Introduce Yourself : Saying Hello From Texas! by Nathan Bustillos

Nathan Bustillos

Saying Hello From Texas!

Hello, all! My name is Nathan and I am from El Paso, Texas but now live in Round Rock Texas, a city just outside of Austin. I joined Stage32 about a week ago after discovering it by way of the Scriptapalooza Facebook page and I've been perusing and I like what I see so far. I must admit, seeing everybody with so many professional credits to their name in the film industry either with screenwriting, directing or acting is both intimidating and incredibly motivating and encouraging at the same time. I have worked as a freelance graphic designer but over the last 2 - 3 years or so, I've discovered that writing seems to be what I feel better doing. I recently completed my first sitcom pilot script and I submitted that to the Scriptapalooza contest. Before that, I pitched an idea for a different sitcom at the 2013 Austin Film Festival. Unfortunately, I didn't have any success with the Austin Film Festival but here's hoping my time will come soon. Now, I am working on my first feature-length script for a horror movie as well as a feature-length script for an action movie. I currently have a short story published on Amazon in Kindle format and I have been playing with the idea of turning it into a movie script also. We'll see if I decide to do that at some point. Thank you to anyone that reads this. I hope to connect with many people here and I also hope to learn a lot and develop my writing ability over time.

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