Introduce Yourself : Hello Again...I'm A Regular (Now) by Michael Lockett

Michael Lockett

Hello Again...I'm A Regular (Now)

Hello all. Mike Lockett here. Just completed my fourth feature script and am prepping for notes and rewrites. I am also in the midst of post production of a short I directed using the impeccable talents of a great actress from here on Stage32 (Caterina Campagna) shot a little over a month ago. Add to that eight other shorts in preproduction to be shot this year (hopefully) and kicking around ideas for other projects you could say I'm a busy guy. That being said though, I am always, always, always interested in talking to and working with highly collaborative people who want to put out great work and have a great time doing it. I'd love to get to know more of you and more importantly work with you. Share your dream with me and I'll share mine with you and perhaps we can make them both come true.

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