Introduce Yourself : Hi, I am the creator of exotic stringed instruments heard on numerous scores .... I am now working on a documentary about the forgotten history of bowed guitars through the centuries.... by Jonathan Eric Wilson

Jonathan Eric Wilson

Hi, I am the creator of exotic stringed instruments heard on numerous scores .... I am now working on a documentary about the forgotten history of bowed guitars through the centuries....

Yep. I am best known for exotic bowed guitar-viola hybrids called "TogaMan GuitarViols". This is something I have pursued since the 80's and have been prolific at since Y2K. My original intentions were to create this instrument my music required and go about making an impact through my music. That did not exactly happen! What really happened was that the instrument itself took off and I became busy building these for a lot of important film composers all over the world- when 300 came out, I became really swamped and have been since. It's a great problem to have! Though, like any creative endeavor turned busy business, wearing many hats can run us over a bit! I still thirst for what I originally set out to do (compose music, paint, and even dabble in film). For years, I have had a desire to tell the little known story of (bowed guitar like) instruments that existed (before violins were even a thought) and were popular for centuries until their fade into obscurity in the 1700's (and you all though bowed guitar began and ended with Jimmy Page). I have teamed up with some production interests here in LA and in London. Were rolling! Anyway, thought I'd say hi! Jonathan

Kathryn Gould

Wow, so cool! Good luck with the project! What a fascinating instrument!

Richard "RB" Botto

Very fascinating, Jonathan. Thanks for sharing!

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