Hi. I have a New Media company. and try to create opportunity for others, as well as launch several of my own high quality 30 to 60 minute series. I've been immersed in this for over a year, and working on the various series for over 3 years. My own money is invested, plus thousands of hours. The New Media market place changes very rapidly - almost so rapidly that by the time you put a project together, the distribution opportunity for New Media has already changed. New Media is a great place for experimenting, like on YouTube. If you have a big audience for your channel, you get to see quickly what an audience does and doesn't like. That's really great. But you have to work hard to make your material stand out in the forest. Creating a big show for market success is more difficult. What I do is decide what I would like to write, market research similar high market winning shows and their success, write a script, audience test, rewrite and do a test production, and test again. Or for sketch comedy, bring a group of writer/actors and actors together to create. Then I produce and distribute. Our show, STL Comedy is similar to SNL, with an audience rating of 3.8 on a 5 scale. We missed a good market opportunity, during 6 months of producing 200 minutes of quality material (8+ episodes) and creating the technology for distribution (VZX.tv - we're not using rightnow), and have gone on to building an audience from scratch on YouTube. Without advertising, nothing happens. But advertising is very expensive, so YouTube is a good place to advertise inexpensively and build an audience. So what I do is research and create what has a great chance to be a market winner, write the pilot, produce it, may direct and edit it, and distribute it. I also train people in writing and acting. (I'm a university trained actor - I just don't act.) I wrote "How to Write a Screenplay" and "Writer's Workshop Script Doctor," in the early 1990s, and visualwriter.com. I write helpful articles on New Media on The Insider on my biz Web site moviestreamproductions.com. (I'm not recruiting.) People I would like to know on Stage 32 is everyone. While I work in the St. Louis area, I don't have boundaries, although I don't travel much. I don't have a lot of time, but if I can help someone with talent make something happen, I'll do what I can. So, hello!
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Hey Dorian, what you're doing sounds great my friend, I'm on a very similar path, nice to connect!
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Tremendous post, Dorain. Certainly look forward to seeing you around.
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Thanks to all Stage 32 members who connect. Glad to hear from you. Continuing success. This is Ron from Canada.