Introduce Yourself : Nice to meet all of you by Charlie Willis

Nice to meet all of you

I've been on Stage 32 for about 2 months now, and I have to say I am very happy to be here. I was a music teacher/music theater teacher for 21 years but because of school cuts, I have been doing extra work in NYC on various tv programs and as well as 3 student films. I am just wondering if anybody has any suggestions on agents and how to get one? I have been contemplating freelancing agents for more work. the work I have been getting I am thankful for, but I need to work some more. I am using and for most of my submissions, and I have a free account on Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Antonio Ingram

Just keep networking on here and staying persistent Charlie. Eventually you will come in contact with that agent. best of luck to you man.

Charlie Willis

Thanks, Antonio. I most certainly will.

Ron Hepner

Agreed, Charlie, Stage 32 is super.

Simon © Simon

I was working with a teacher of the arts who retired from it and decided to come onto the 'other' side of the camera. He did great.

Charlie Willis

Thanks for sharing Simon, I just hope I get a chance to prove myself soon.

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